Below is the whole organization structure of the NSSF Tanzania, this structure was directly obtained from the website of NSSF Tanzania( https://www.nssf.or.tz/index.php/about-us/organization-structure)
. The long forms of each abbreviations can be found after the chart.

CLS-Chief Legal Serices
DO-Director of Operations
DHRA-Director of Human Resources and Adminstrations
DPID- Director of Planning ,Investments and Projects
DF- Director of Finance
DIT- Director of Information Technology
DIA-Director, Internal Audit
CPCS-Chief, Public Relations and Customer Services
CSM- Chief Security Manager
DARM-Director of Acturial and Risk Management
PM-Procurement Manager
SUM-Special Unit Manager
CRSM- Compliance, Records and Statistics Manager
BAM- Benefit Adminstration Manager
SHIBAM- Social Health Insurance Benefit and Adminstration Manager
CMs-REGIONS-Chief Managers
RMs-Regional Managers
ASM-Adminstration and Supplies Manager
HRM-Human Resource Manager
ESM-Estates Manager
PJM-Projects Manager
PIM-Planning and Investments Manager
CA-Chief Accountants
TM-Tresury Manager
COM- Computer Operations Manager
SAM-Syatems Application Manager
AM-Assurance Manager
VMM-Value for Money Manager
ORQM-Operational Risk Quality Manager
AFRM- Acturial and Financial Risk Manager