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Reflective Journal- Week 12

Being our last week to go SMK Convent Sentul; I was sad and happy at the same time. I was happy it was the last day we were going for community service since each time we had to go SMK I never slept well. This is because I was worried that I might over sleep and be late to catch the bus and this would affect my attendance. Thus being the last day meant that at least I would sleep with no worries. On the other hand I was sad that as I would never see my mentee improve more and more. Moreover being the last day meant that I would not be able to discover myself more as being Mohana’s mentor.


During this I was on duty to conduct the class, was really nervous as it was my first to conduct a class apart from the normal presentations in university. Nevertheless I enjoyed conducting the class with my fellow group members, I also discovered a lot about myself. The main thing that I discovered about myself is I was able to stand in front of the class and conduct the class without even having hand notes. I figure out that sometimes I am just scared to do something for nothing. As sometimes the things that one is scared to do may turn out to be the best memory or lesson in life.


Additionally I was so touched that as a class we were so united, corporative and caring. I feel that by doing community service out tutorial class has improved compared to the first times. Initially it wasn’t easy for me or even my classmates to interact with each other, but as we finished this semester it was easy for one another to interact. I feel that am more close to my classmates compared to my previous classmates.


Furthermore the students in SMK Convent Sentul made me work on my self- confident. Previously when I did the presentation on week 9 and week 10 I couldn’t speak loudly and confidently. However during this week 12 I felt that I tried my best being confident when conducting the class though I feel that I need to do more. Currently am working on my self-confident and I joined the community in university. I hope by willingly participating in different activities that the community will arrange then I will face my fear. In the future or even next semester I plan to participate more in the seminar session and other extra curriculum activities to build my confident more and more.

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