Reflective Journal- Week 11
As this week began I was really not in the mood of going for community service because I had some assignments to submit this week. I was really stressed going for community service, going for community service for that day felt like wastage of time. To make things worse I had not missed community service for two weeks so had no mood completely.
Sometimes I wish I had taken this module last semester as it would be easy for me since I had few modules in the previous semesters. However since I had no choice of whether to add or drop this module then I just try my best to participate in the activites.
The main important thing on this week’s session was that the topic was very interesting as it was about friends. This topic reminded me of my good and caring friends who were also my housemates. They were the only Tanzanian friends who understood me, cared about me and loyal. I miss them as now that they are done with their studies since they used to assist me in my studies and we lived like a family together with my sister.
As an international student studying in Malaysia It’s really hard to find friends who I come from the same country. It doesn’t mean that I don’t socialize with people from my country but I do, it’s just that not everyone is willing to be friends. It was easier for me to be friends with my Khuzestan friend as circumstance forced us to be as we were the only international friends while I was doing Foundation in Business. And so this topic really reminded me of the friends I have had since I came in Malaysia and made me realize how important they are.
Moreover this lesson made me realize that not everyone can be a friend as I have friends that really were not to be considered as friends. This is because I have experience with friends that were not honest which made me feel stressed. As a result of the stress I got from friends it made me realize the important to know the kind of people to interact and as well know them well before friends.
For that reason I have learnt to appreciate the friends I have as I know now that it’s not easy to have true friend. I have also tried to be honest with the friends that I have, since in the past used not to be honest enough. Once I started being honest with my friends it became even easier for me to socialize with other people. As for the future I plan to not loose contact with my past friends who I trusted and still trust them.