Reflective Journal- Week 6
As this was our second week at Convent Sentul I was getting excited to see my mentee. I woke so happy this day, no worries as to how the students will see us on our arrival to school. As usual we attended the English lesson was the theme was “personal safety”. Afterward some of my classmates took over the class revising on the previous lesson and as well stressing on that day’s topic.
When the first session was over I had one to one session with my mentee, where we had to assist them to write a story concerning that day’s theme. As I was listening I discovered that she was getting comfortable me being her mentor as she was asking about spelling of some words that she wasn’t sure about. It was a good feeling Mohana asking for my assistance since I knew that she was beginning to trust me. Afterwards Mohana went to present the story she was writing with my assistance. I was glad that to some point she was getting a little confident when doing her presentation.
Being able for Mohana to begin to trust was important to me as this made it even easier for me to help her more. This felt good may be because it reminds or reflects me in my college life that it is important to ask for help and also be able to trust and respect my ideas. I was able to get the feeling that I gave my teachers or lecturers by not asking for assistance when I needed one. It felt like I don’t trust them enough to ask for help or I am not confident enough to ask for help.
Therefore in the future I hope to change my perception on asking for assistance from people who are willingly to lend a hand to me. Most of all I thought to myself may be I need to be confident when airing my ideas to a crowd or even when I need help then I shouldn’t doubt myself. Am glad that by concentrating to my mentee I have been able to look at myself at the mirror and question my personality and make amendments where needed.