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 Reflective Journal- Week 7

I remember this day I was really not in the mood to go for community service I guess it was due to the busy weekend. Unfortunately when we reached to SMK Convent Sentul Mohana was really happy to see me. I felt happy since she was looking forward to see me. She was even talking to me freely during the one to one session.


During this week we used their multipurpose hall for the session, the mentors were to sit behind a just observe our mentees. Looking at my mentee while the session was still going on I realized that she sometimes doesn’t fully concentrate in class. Moreover I discovered that she getting a little confident with doing presentation in front of her classmates.

I felt nice when Mohana would willingly raise her hand to answer the questions asked by their teacher. This was a good lesson even to me as at times in seminars I might know the answer but I just choose not to answer. My mentee made me realize that it is good to try which was a good experience since nobody had to tell me or teach me this lesson but I learned it by myself.


The fact that Mohana was even trying to answer some questions encouraged me to assist her more and more. I also realized that she sometimes just doesn’t trust herself that’s why she keeps quiet in class and so I had to work on building her confidence more. I think if she is confident enough then she will be able to ask question when she doesn’t understand and this will be a good thing in her life.


In conclusion I plan to work more on my self –confidence in order to be able to work on some else’s self-confidence. Self-confidence is important in life as occasionally some people have lost important opportunities in life simply because they were not confident enough to air out their ideas or even to try new experiences in life. I believe that if I be able to work on my self- confidence then I will be able to make different choices in life without having doubts on the outcome of my decision made.


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