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Reflective Journal- Week 8

What I remember the Tuesday of this week did not go for my morning classes this week as I was sick. I felt bad and worried who was going to teach Mohana and would she be free to ask questions when she doesn’t understand. On the other hand I was worried about my health as well as my twin went for her classes and I was all alone at home.


As I was left home all alone this made me miss my family back home and my ex-housemates, as I know if I was home my siblings would be there just to check on me. At this point of time I then realize the importance of their presence. The feeling of home sickness is usually my worse feeling because there is nothing I can do about it.


From the home sickness feeling I learn the importance of good communication to the people close to my heart. I am not so good with communication but since when I came to Malaysia I had to improve on my communication. As in times that I neglected communicating well then I faced several consequences leading to me depressed.


And so in order to avoid unnecessary stress I tried my best to have a good communication with my family and friends. For instance for the day that I missed my class, I made sure that I updated my twin sister on how my condition was going on. I think that way my sister’s stress was lower as compared if I was not updating her.


From this situation I learnt that I would not have some misunderstandings in the past if only I had good communication with the other party. I somehow regret my behavior of just assuming situations and not asking because by not asking then it became hard to communicate well. There was a time that I just assumed situations and I almost lost my good friend, luckily my friend was understood me and encouraged me to be honest. And that is when I learnt that being in order for  a person to have a good communication then he or she has to be honest with her/himself.


I plan to be more honest with myself especially when I know that I am not happy with something. This is because by being honest with myself then I will be able to be communicating well with my friends and thus less stress. Lastly I also plan to be honest with even small matters that bother me in my daily in my normal life, because if I can be honest on small matters then I will be able to be honest with bigger matters in the future.

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