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Reflective Journal -Week 1

As I attended the first lecture of Community Service module I really enjoyed since each week the lecture would be having a guest speaker. This was a new method of learning to me and I found it very motivating as I have to attend the lecture in order to write my reflective journal. Moreover by attending this lecture I realized that it was not what I expected, I thought we would start community service right away instead we had to undergo some of training.


During this lecture the guest speaker for the day was Our Dean for School Of Accounting and Finance .She talked about her personal experience on doing community service when she went to Sri Lanka and she also talked about her mission in Thailand.  I was more interested on her experience in Sri Lanka where she was assigned to open camps as a result of environmental hazard .As she was sharing her experience I was surprised since I wasn’t expecting that she would go through that hard experience just to help the needy ones.  


My dean’s experience in Sri Lanka changed my thinking on that even dean and lecturers can engage themselves in the giving back to the society. At first I used to think that only companies and governments are the ones dealing with giving back, since they want a good image to the society. In additional to that I learned that being a leader means serving the people you are leading , as Our dean she had to beg so hard the officials in order to open camps.


Therefore in the future I hope to be person who easily can engage in giving back to the society no matter what position I am. This is because by giving back to the society it has an impact to my personality and my career. As to my personality by giving back to the society it will change me to be a person who is grateful for what I have since sometimes I think I complain a lot  While as to my career if I will be giving back to the society as banking and finance student it will differentiate me from other people.


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