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Reflective Journal- Week 5

The first going to SMK Convent Sentul most of us were clueless of how the students will react to our presence. I was really nervous meeting new people but then I kept giving myself hope that it is going to be fine. On arriving and attending the class I identify the talkative students, shy ones and the easy to talk to students.


On the first day the lesson was on verb the theme being used was “save the earth”. As their teacher was teaching I was reminded on my times when I was in Form I. I have to admit that the style of teaching that their teacher was using is very nice, easy to understand and remember as well. Later on we had an ice-breaking session which was productive as everyone enjoyed. After the session I chose Mohana to be my mentee, she seems shy so I thought of being her mentor.


The main thing I remember during the ice-breaking some students were astonished when we were holding their hand and I kept wondering why. As I went back home I in the evening I figured out why they were astonished when we were holding their hands. It was simply because they had not experienced people caring and just understanding them for who they are.

I feel that the university made a good idea by having this module in my course. I have come to realize there are so people in this country need our assistance no matter how small it may seems. I have also learned to be thankful to God for what I am and what I have. Previously I kept on feeling that what I financially and knowledge wise was so little but on going for community service I felt bad on each and every single day that I complained about anything.


Thus in the future I plan to encourage my siblings and my kids on the importance of helping someone else and also be thankful what they have in life. Furthermore I think in the future I plan to have some few hours for community, I have become conscious on how important it is to give back to the society.


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