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Preparation towards Internship

I had not really prepared enough for my internship as the semester began, however I had planned to do my internship in one of the financial institutions or recognizable company.


As the semester 4 (August 2014- Dec 2014) began I was somehow relieved that there were 4 cumpulsory pre-internship preparatory workshop we had to attend. 


 (a) First and Second workshop- was conducted between 28th August 2014         and 29th August 2014 between 9am to 6pm


 (b)Third workshop-was done on 13th November 2014 2pm to 4pm, which was about   Ethics and Etiquette at Work


 (c) Fourth workshop- was the last  preparatory workshop , it was conducted on 20th Nov 2014 4p to 5;30pm





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