Reflective Journal- Week 3
During this week’s lecture there were three speakers; honestly speaking I really enjoyed the last speaker more compared to the first two. I enjoyed the last speaker simply because he gave a talk which was his real experience in his own life which was like what I faced in the past. He explained about being the feeling of being marginalized from when he was in school to when he was an adult.
Being able to hear an adult expressing his feeling about marginalization made me understand how it really feels to be marginalized. This also reminded me the first time I came to Malaysia how my classmates would avoid sitting with me in the lecture or tutorial class. I remember feeling so bad and discouraged to go for class.
However I remember when most of my classmates were avoiding me in semester one made me to make new international friends; some of them we are still good friend until today. Sometimes I think if my classmates wouldn’t do that then maybe I wouldn’t be able to get true and caring friend. In additional to that this made me to study so hard so that I don’t lose the friends that I had made in semester one.
As a result I learned that in any situation I face in my life then sometimes it is better to look at it in different angles not concentrating on the negative side only. For instance if I would have focus on the feeling of being marginalized then probably I wouldn’t pass the two subjects I was taking. Frequently in life as an individual I have learned that there are some lessons that you have to learn them in a painful experience. And once I learned in a hard the lesson sticks for a very long time.
As a consequence the speaker has made me to note that it is important for me to prepare myself in the future when I start working. I have to prepare myself to deal with people who would like me or not, even people who would be corporative or not since we don’t always choose who to work with.