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National Social Security Fund (NSSF) Tanzania -Head Office



Company Background & Activities


National Social Security Fund Tanzania was initially known as National Provident Fund (NPF), untill 1997 the Parliament Of United Republic of Tanzania passed Act of Parliament No.28 to replace NPF  to NSSF.NSSF is a pension scheme which is basically under the government of United Republic of Tanzania. On the establishment of NSSF , there was a rise of other pension funds /social security schemes such as Local Authorities Pensions Fund (LAPF), Public Service Pensions Fund (PSPF),Government Employee Provident Fund  ( GEPF) and  Parastatal Pensions Fund (PPF)


 NSSF Tanzania Vision

The Fund envisions to become a leading provider of social security services in Africa by 2020.


The main Mission Statement

    The Fund is committed to meet members evolving Social Security needs using        competent, innovative motivated staff and state of the art technology.


As for the Core Values

The Fund will undertake the operations on the basis of :-


  • Integrity

  • Innovativeness

  • Accountability

  • Teamwork and

  • Transparency

NSSF Tanzania is one of the largest pension fund and since its a cumpolsory scheme that the government requires its employees its well established with its activities. 


NSSF Tanzania engages itself in three main activities which are : Scheme's Financing, Scheme's Investment and Scheme's Benefit. 




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